
Too many of us are feeling down and out these days. Are you?

Are you having trouble getting out of bed? Maybe it’s a struggle just to get yourself to take a shower.

Have you recently gone through a breakup? It feels like ‘I’ll never find anyone else. I guess I’ll just be by myself for the rest of my life. I’ll most likely die alone. At this point, whatever. I’m okay with that…I guess.’

Do you find yourself jumping from relationship to relationship? It’s hard to sit by yourself. It’s hard to be alone. You don’t really like sitting by yourself for too long.

Have you noticed that your thoughts have gotten “heavy” or “dark”? Maybe you’re pondering things like, “What’s the point anymore?”

What happened to that time when you actually enjoyed life?

When you’re depressed, what was once challenging feels almost impossible.

Getting out of bed feels pointless, ‘dressing up’ feels dumb. Sometimes it feels like there isn’t any point in making dinner because it’s just you.

Depression can become isolating.

You may really want to go out but then don’t because… you worry. Worries like ‘what if I run into someone from my past?’ Or noticing you’re obsessed with what others think of you.

If you’re depressed, you probably sleep more or less than you used to.

You drag and feel like you have no motivation or inspiration to really do anything.

You might also over-or under-eat.

Stress tends to affect your appetite.

And let’s face it: No one around you understands what it’s like.

Everyone either tells you ‘suck it up,’ or you start to feel like people are tired of hearing you talk about things. Sometimes we feel like we’re a burden to the people around us, so we’ll hold things in.

It can feel so isolating. Like you’re on an island all by yourself, but you don’t really want to be. And not only this, you’re not even really sure how to either get off this island that you’re on by yourself or have others with you on this island.

It sort of feels like having a hole in your heart and not knowing how to fill that hole. Or if you fill that hole, you fill it with alcohol, food, indiscriminate sex, or substances.

We’ll tackle your depression by filling up your “love cup.” Let me explain…

I mean by your ‘love cup’: think of yourself/cup like a bank account. If too many people or things have made ‘withdrawals,’ you’ll go into the red or ‘the negative,’ right? Well, we need to make deposits into this account to get you back into ‘the green.’ Who wants to live in ‘the red’ constantly? Withdrawal after withdrawal from your account.

A self-love plan is a plan we’ll create to get you back into alignment with the things that once brought you joy. Remember when you were a child and experienced happiness? Inner joy? Excitement? This plan will support us in creating that in your life again.

First, I’ll have you complete a list of twenty-one clarity questions. These questions will clarify where you’d really like to be (what you want your ideal day to look like, for example). Next, we’ll create routines that will help you move from where you are now towards what your ideal day would look like.

We’ll break down the thoughts that pop up in your head when you’re feeling down or sad. We’ll begin to construct ways for you to respond to those thoughts. It’s essential to work on your self-esteem and self-worth during this time. So, we’ll practice effective affirmations and have you develop strength in that inner voice you hear in your head – the one that sounds a lot like doubt and sadness.

New patterns of behavior look like structure and routines that you enjoy and thrive from. They are patterns that help you feel good from the inside. Old ones might look like sleeping in with no desire to get up in the morning, feeling isolated and like you have no purpose, feeling disconnected from people. The new behavior patterns are better because it helps you feel healthy, feel grounded, and feel good from the inside.

There is hope!

It can feel exhausting reaching out for help when you feel like this. I get it. I never want therapy to feel even more stressful or overwhelming for my clients.

I’m here to help relieve the weight you feel like you’ve been carrying.

You don’t have to do this alone. Not only am I here to support, but I totally get it on a personal level too.

I’m here for you. Email me, and let’s schedule your complimentary 15- to 30-minute discovery session: